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Place Value to 100,000 Workbook (downloadable digital product)

Place Value to 100,000 Workbook (downloadable digital product)

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Place Value to 100,00

- 25 pages

- Answer book included

- Photocopying for classroom use permitted

This workbook aims to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of thousands, hundreds, tens and units in numbers to 100 000. It provides activities that ask children to: 

  • Identify and state the number of thousands, hundreds, tens and units in given numbers
  • identify and state the particular values of digits in numbers, e.g. what is the value of 7 in each number
  • find numbers with specific digit values, e.g. what number has 20 thousands and 5 tens
  • write numbers in numerals and words
  • compare pairs of numbers by stating which is larger and smaller
  • write numbers in order from smallest to largest and vice versa
  • compare numbers by using the < and > signs.

Place value to 100 000 key content

The content on each page is as follows:

  1. Thousands, hundreds, tens and units (a)
  2. Thousands, hundreds, tens and units (b)
  3. Value of digits (a)
  4. Value of digits (b)
  5. Value of digits (c)
  6. Finding numbers with certain place values (a)
  7. Finding numbers with certain place values (b)
  8. Finding numbers with certain place values (c)
  9. Finding numbers with certain place values (d)
  10. Writing numbers in numerals
  11. Writing numbers in words
  12. Writing numbers in numerals
  13. Writing numbers in words
  14. Comparing numbers (a)
  15. Comparing numbers (b)
  16. Comparing numbers (c)
  17. Comparing numbers (d)
  18. Ordering numbers (a)
  19. Ordering numbers (b)
  20. Ordering numbers (c)
  21. Ordering numbers (d)
  22. Greater than and less than (a)
  23. Greater than and less than (b)
  24. Place value to 100 000 assessment
  25. Place value to 100 000 assessment


Key tags

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Format: PDF - download and print

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Created by a fully qualified and experienced college lecturer

Shazia Akhtar is a primary teacher and college lecturer with a B.Ed (Hons) in Primary Education, a Master in Education (M.Ed) and a Doctorate in Education (EdD) - all achieved from a top Scottish University.