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Learning Workbooks

Draw and Write the Story (downloadable digital product)

Draw and Write the Story (downloadable digital product)

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This workbook aims to develop children’s ability to create and write a story with a beginning, middle and ending. There are 20 story writing activities with each one providing a picture of the middle of the story. The learner is required to draw an illustration of what happens before and after the picture and then write the full story.

20 pages.


Key tags

story writing template, story writing ideas, story writing for kids, story writing for children, creative writing for children, creative writing for children's books, short story writing for children, narrative writing for children, writing skills, fictional writing, story writing paper, story writing paper with picture box, story writing paper template, primary school writing genres, primary school writing progression, primary school writing curriculum, vocabulary worksheets, vocabulary activities, writing sentences worksheets, writing sentences workbooks, grammar and punctuation, story writing structure, 

Format: PDF - download and print

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Created by a fully qualified and experienced college lecturer

Shazia Akhtar is a primary teacher and college lecturer with a B.Ed (Hons) in Primary Education, a Master in Education (M.Ed) and a Doctorate in Education (EdD) - all achieved from a top Scottish University.