One way of interpreting this is by saying that if we want a different result in our lives, we need to raise our level of mind. A lot of us have daily routines and habits that we follow and have been doing so for years. We have certain personality traits that we display all the time when we are faced with positive or negative situations and problems. As long as those traits and habits exist within us, our daily situations and problems and the ways we deal with them are going to be the same. Our habits are formed based on how we think and feel as well as our personality. As long as we perform these habits and approach situations with the same way of thinking, we are going to live the same life every day and mentally approach problems in the same way.
However, if we want a new life, new habits and new personality traits, we are going to have to change our way of thinking because it’s our way of thinking that influences and shapes our whole personality, skills and attitudes. If we want a different life, we are going to have to improve our way of thinking. We are going to have to raise the quality of our thinking that will enable us to solve problems and form new habits in a different and better way.
We cannot expect any changes in ourselves or resolve situations if our thinking remains the same. We must think differently. We must think at a higher level. A new and better way of thinking is going to help us to approach problems and situations from a higher viewpoint and find solutions and make the changes that are required to improve our lives.
In what ways do you need to think differently? What situations and problems in your life require a higher level of thinking from you in order to resolve them? I would love to hear about them! Please write them in the comments below :) (Your email will not be displayed.)
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